The Rappahannock Tribe’s Return to the River


丰斯悬崖是一个令人惊叹的4英里长的白色硅藻悬崖,高出弗吉尼亚州拉帕汉诺克河100多英尺. 这个近乎原始而雄伟的地方是拉帕汉诺克部落的祖先家园,并被国家奥杜邦协会指定为具有全球意义的重要鸟类区,为居住和迁徙的秃鹰和其他候鸟提供栖息地. 这片大部分未受破坏的景观是一个具有自然和文化重要性的地方,是切萨皮克步道的一个关键特征.

在与英国人接触之前, the Rappahannock Tribe lived in at least three villages on the Cliffs–– Wecuppom, 火柴和Pissacoack. 1608年,在英国殖民者约翰·史密斯船长的探险中,丰斯悬崖是部落第一次遇到并保卫家园的地方.

Photo by Jeffrey Allenby/十大赌博正规老平台

4月1日,拉帕汉诺克部落首领安妮·理查森(左)与内政部部长德布·哈兰德在“回归河流庆典”上, 2022. Photo by Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program

“We have worked for many years to restore this sacred place 致部落. With eagles being prayer messengers, this area where they gather has always been a place of natural, 文化和精神重要性.”

– Rappahannock Tribe Chief Anne Richardson.

从左到右:U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Dr. Carol Angle, Rappahannock Chief Anne Richardson, 十大赌博正规老平台 President & 首席执行官乔尔·邓恩.
Photo by Randall Larrimore/十大赌博正规老平台


4月1日, 2022, at an event with U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, the Rappahannock Tribe announced that it had re-acquired 465 acres at Fones Cliffs, a sacred site 致部落 located on the eastern side of the Rappahannock River, and restored its original name of Pissacoack.

“We have worked for many years to restore this sacred place 致部落. With eagles being prayer messengers, this area where they gather has always been a place of natural, 文化和精神重要性,” said Rappahannock Tribe Chief Anne Richardson.

The land will be publicly accessible and held with a permanent conservation easement conveyed to 美国.S. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局. 十大赌博正规老平台 donated the easement to 美国SFWS, then donated the fee title to the Rappahannock Tribe, which intends to place the land in Trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Tribe plans trails and a replica 16th-century village, 部落成员可以向公众宣传他们的历史和土著保护方法,并将拉帕汉诺克青年的后代与他们的部落传统和以他们名字命名的河流联系起来.

“Through the generosity of the family of William Dodge Angle, M.D., 十大赌博正规老平台 is honored to facilitate the return of Fones Cliffs 致部落, and to partner with them to bring Indigenous-led conservation practices back to the Rappahannock River,” said 十大赌博正规老平台 President and 首席执行官乔尔·邓恩. “This is a significant step forward in the overall goal to save approximately 2,000英亩的丰斯悬崖, a haven for wildlife and waterfowl and one of the most beautiful places in the Chesapeake and, 事实上, 世界.”


除了, the land offers opportunities for the Tribe to expand their Return to the River program, 培训部落青年学习传统河流知识和实践,并为其他对拉帕汉诺克河感兴趣的社区开展推广和教育. In 2017, through the generosity of Ms. 维吉尼亚州华纳, 十大赌博正规老平台 facilitated the donation of a single acre of land near Fones Cliffs, which the Tribe uses as a staging area for the program.

2019年6月, 在十大赌博正规老平台协会的帮助下,土地和水资源保护基金为拉帕汉诺克河谷国家野生动物保护区提供了永久保护,252英亩的土地得到了保护. Thanks to The Conservation Fund and 美国nited States 鱼类及野生动物管理局, 这个包裹, referred to by the Tribe as its original name of Wecuppom, is now protected from development and will add opportunities for hiking and bird-watching.

Nearby Land Along Fones Cliffs Still Under Threat of Development

Even as this tremendous success at Pissacoack is celebrated, now is not the time for complacency. 附近的968英亩土地(归总部位于纽约的弗吉尼亚真公司所有)毗邻避难所的财产(部落称其为Wecuppom),仍然没有受到保护和脆弱.

In 2015, the 维吉尼亚州 True Corporation received preliminary approval for a massive resort subdivision, 用一个 18-hole golf course, hundreds of condos and single-family homes, 洛奇, 餐厅, 马厩等等. 三年后, the developers illegally cleared 13 acres to bare ground, in violation of state and county laws. 由此产生的侵蚀导致悬崖顶部的树木倒下,悬崖表面滑落到拉帕汉诺克河中.

In 2019, the company filed for bankruptcy protection, and the case remains unresolved. While the resort proposal appears thankfully dead, the property remains unprotected and therefore at risk.

十大赌博正规老平台协会和其他保护合作伙伴正在密切关注破产程序,以便能够带来保护结果. There is so much at stake for the Tribe, 避难所, 老鹰和其他野生动物, for water quality and for the Chesapeake that we must continue to work for its ultimate protection. Please help us save these 968 acres and donate today.




十大赌博正规老平台 was introduced to the family of William Dodge Angle, M.D. 荒野协会. 后不久, the Angles offered to provide the funds necessary to purchase 465 acres offered for sale 致部落 in 2019.


The Commonwealth of 维吉尼亚州 officially designated a large section of the lower Rappahannock, including the 4-mile stretch of Fones Cliffs, 为国家风景名胜河.


The Rappahannock Indians of 维吉尼亚州 are federally recognized by an act of Congress.

维吉尼亚州 True developers illegally cleared 13 acres to bare ground, in violation of state and county laws. 由此产生的侵蚀导致悬崖顶部的树木倒下,悬崖表面滑落到拉帕汉诺克河中.


通过她的慷慨解囊. 维吉尼亚州华纳, 十大赌博正规老平台 facilitated the donation of a single acre of land near Fones Cliffs, which the Tribe uses as a staging area for their Return to the River Program.


St的研究人员. Mary’s College of Maryland work with the Rappahannock Tribe to complete the study, “Defining the Rappahannock Indigenous Cultural Landscape for the Rappahannock Tribe, the National Park Service and 十大赌博正规老平台




美国.S. Congress establishes the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, which includes the Rappahannock River and Fones Cliffs.


Chief Anne Richardson elected Chief of the Rappahannock Tribe. She is the first woman to lead a tribe in 维吉尼亚州 since the 18th century.


The beginnings of forced removal of the Rappahannock Tribe from their ancestral homeland on the Rappahannock River.


According to the Rappahannock Tribe, English settlement in the Rappahannock River valley began illegally in the 1640s.




十大赌博正规老平台 and conservation partners continue their tireless pursuit to conserve the 968 维吉尼亚州 True property. 维吉尼亚州 True remains in bankruptcy. 学习如何 你可以帮忙 我们的努力.

在Pissacoack, the Rappahannock Tribe plans trails and a replica 17th-century village, 部落成员可以向公众宣传他们的历史和土著保护方法,并将拉帕汉诺克青年的后代与他们的部落传统和以他们名字命名的河流联系起来.


465 acres are returned to the Rappahannock Tribe, which restores the original name of Pissacoack, made possible by the family of William Dodge Angle, M.D.,十大赌博正规老平台协会和NFWF. U.S. 内政部部长德布·哈兰德与酋长安妮·理查森和部落居民一起参加了“回归河流”庆祝活动.

With funding from the family of William Dodge Angle, M.D. 十大赌博正规老平台 purchased 465 acres, 向USFWS十大赌博正规老平台了地役权, then donated the fee title to the Rappahannock Tribe, which intends to place the land in Trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

国会通过了一项2022财政年度的综合拨款法案,其中包括从土地和水资源保护基金拨款200万美元,用于通过美国国家自然保护基金为保护区征收费用或地役权土地.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局.


The Tribe celebrates the protection of Wecuppom, 沿着丰斯悬崖252英亩, purchased for 美国SFWS as part of the Rappahannock River Valley NWR. USFWS acquired the property from The Conservation Fund using the Land and Water Conservation Fund secured by U.S. 参议员马克·沃纳和美国国会议员.S. Representative Rob Wittman at the request of the 十大赌博正规老平台, and as a part of the multi-year Rivers of the Chesapeake campaign.

维吉尼亚州 True declares bankruptcy, and the fate of their 968 remains unknown. (维吉尼亚州 True is currently in bankruptcy, and 十大赌博正规老平台 and The Conservation Fund are still working to conserve this land).

另有业主1个以上,100 acres at Fones Cliffs approaches The Rappahannock Tribe with an offer to sell their land. 十大赌博正规老平台 and The Conservation Fund partner to appraise the land and secure funds.


968 acres at Fones Cliffs under threat for development. 弗吉尼亚真实公司, 总部设在纽约, received preliminary approval for a massive resort subdivision, 用一个 18-hole golf course, hundreds of condos and single-family homes, 洛奇, 餐厅, 马厩等等. (维吉尼亚州 True is currently in bankruptcy, and 十大赌博正规老平台 and The Conservation Fund are still working to conserve this land).


Massive development proposals begin to threaten Fones Cliffs. 一个占地250英亩的河滨地块获得了县里的批准,可以用于一个46个单元的分区,其中包括22个在悬崖上隐约出现的河滨地块,以及一个位于河底的46滑码头. (Successfully saved: see 2019, Wecuppom)




The Rappahannocks sold their first piece of land to the English in 1651. 然而, 拉帕汉诺克的酋长和议员们在县法院花了十多年的时间,试图为这笔交易和其他土地出售获得赔偿, according to the Rappahannock Tribe.


关于拉帕汉诺克部落和他们在悬崖上的占领最早的书面记录来自英国探险家约翰·史密斯的日记, in which he describes the Tribe’s first recorded defense of their homeland in 1608.


Indigenous people thrive along the Rappahannock River where later in 1608, explorer John Smith finds three towns called Pissacoack, Matchopick and Wecuppom and 40 other Native towns and hamlets.


Google Street view style tour of Fones Cliffs along the Rappahannock River

Enjoy this bird’s eye view of Fones Cliffs


Joe McCauley and Chief Anne Richardson. Image credit: Don Owen, Lands Trails and Parks LLC

The Rappahannock Tribe’s Return to the River: 保护悬崖

By Joseph McCauley, Chesapeake Fellow

4月1日, 2022, joined by Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, 维吉尼亚州的拉帕汉诺克部落庆祝了他们几个世纪以来沿着以他们名字命名的河流返回家园的一个里程碑. With a generous donation from the family of William Dodge Angle, M.D., 十大赌博正规老平台 purchased and donated 465 acres of waterfront property in what is now Richmond County, 维吉尼亚州, 致部落, who restored its original name of Pissacoack. 国家鱼类和野生动物基金会通过沃尔玛的美国英亩计划提供了额外的资金.

The property is located in the heart of an iconic formation of diatomaceous bluffs known locally as Fones Cliffs, famous for its outsized importance to bald eagles and other migratory birds and infamous for the battles to conserve it. (了解更多)

Fones Cliff案例研究

还有很多工作要做. This case study from 2020 takes a look at the successful achievement of conserving 252 acres, 悬崖的一部分, representing a huge “win” for the Rappahannock Tribe, 切萨皮克湾, the Rappahannock River Land Protection Partnership, 美国.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局’s Rappahannock River Valley National 野生动物 Refuge, the Commonwealth of 维吉尼亚州 and the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail.

Thank you to the Partnership for the National Trails System and the  U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for producing this case study.

Fones Cliffs provides important habitat for one of the largest concentration of eagles on the East Coast. 出于这个原因, and its importance to other migratory bird species, Fones Cliffs is part of a globally significant Important Bird Area, 由奥杜邦协会指定.

The cliffs also have a rich cultural history. According to the journals of John Smith, 丰斯悬崖是三个美洲印第安人城镇的所在地,见证了拉帕汉诺克部落和约翰·史密斯的浅滩上的英国人之间经常被引用的不太友好的遭遇. 对于那些沿着切萨皮克小径探索历史的人以及穿越强大的拉帕汉诺克的人来说,这个地区是一个亮点.

Fones Cliffs is an evocative landscape, offering the public a rare glimpse into the past. 白色的悬崖, 丰富的文化遗产, and soaring eagles make this a very special and unique place in 切萨皮克湾 watershed.

St. 马里兰玛丽学院人类学教授朱莉娅·金及其合作伙伴于2016年为拉帕汉诺克制作了这份土著文化景观报告. 考古教师和学生在拉帕汉诺克河谷国家野生动物保护区拥有的财产中进行了挖掘, unearthing evidence of Indigenous inhabitance dating back to the 1600s. 点击这里阅读报告.